During the years 1996 – 2005 an Interregional Project on historic cities’ conservation, management and development was carried out by UNDP’s Interregional Program in New York in collaboration with UNESCO’s Cultural Heritage division.
S. Mutal was named the international coordinator of this worldwide project on historic cities. Visits to the field alongside desk studies carried out by expert consultants led to the preparation and publication of a series of mission reports which are listed below.
These reports were submitted to governments, interested parties, and UNESCO and UNDP offices at their respective headquarters and in the field in Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Most reports are in English and some bilingual in English and Spanish.
C.1 St. Petersburg. World Heritage Site. Rehabilitation and Development of Historic Centre.
C.2 Vilnius. World Heritage Site. Continuity and Change in Urban Development in Historic Cities
C.3 Uzbekistan. Conservation and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage and Historic Cities in Uzbekistan
C.4 Mali. Villes et Ensembles du Patrimoine Mondial au Mali. Conservation- Mise en Valeur- Tourisme Culturel dans le Contexte du Développement Humain Durable
C.5 Ilha de Moçambique. A Programme for Sustainable Human Development and Integral Conservation.
C.5.1 Global report (Sylvio S. Mutal).
C.5.2 Volume I: A rehabilitation of architectural, urban and cultural heritage. (D. Pandakovic)
C.5.3 Volume I-A Site plans (D. Pandakovic)
C.5.4 Volume II-A Water/ Sanitation/ Environment (N. Matshine and P.H. Beers)
C.5.5 Volume II-B Water/ Sanitation/ Environment (N. Matshine and P.H. Beers)
C.5.6 Volume III Fisheries in the Ilha (R. Falcão)
C.5.7 Volume IV Sustainable Tourism Development (A. Villeminot)
C.5.8 Volume V Legislation (G. Carducci)
*C.5.9 Volume VI Socio-economic Overview. Some considerations ref income-generating activities (M. Hadfield)
C.6 Heritage and Development. 25 Years of UNESCO Supported Field Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Actions, Facts & Figures in Profile
C.7 Casco Viejo de la Cuidad de Panamá. Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Hacía un Programa de Rehabilitación Integral y Desarrollo Humano Sostenible del Casco Viejo. Documento de Base.
C.9 Sustainable Human Development in Urban Areas. Historical Cities/Centres Rehabilitation, Conservation and Management in Profile. 2 volume report.
C.10 Cuba. Desarollo Humano Sostenible En Áreas Urbanas
C.11 Centros Históricos de América Latina y el Caribe, publicado por IADB/Unesco
C.12 Caribbean Regional Course for Architecture and Development, Dominica
C.13 Una Experiencia Singular: Valoraciones sobre el modelo de gestión integral de La Habana Vieja, Patrimonio de la Humanidad
A singular experience: Appraisals of the integral management model of Old Havana, World Heritage Site
C. 14 Reunión de Directores de Patrimonio de América Latina y el Caribe en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Memorias de la Reunión.
* Not available online. Requests welcome.